If you’ve gone to the trouble to taste, purchase and store your wine, you certainly don’t want it spoiling before you have the chance to enjoy it. Here are a few tips to be sure your favorite bottles age gracefully and become collectibles that will stand the test of time. 

  • Temperature – In this case, heat is your enemy. Which is why people who store their wine above the refrigerator, on the counter, or near their fireplace live to regret it. Ideally, you’ll want an environment, either natural in a basement or in a temperature-controlled cooler, that is a consistent 50-59 degrees to slow down the aging process.
  • Humidity – A crumbly cork is a sure sign that your wine is compromised. To prevent corks from drying out and oxygen seeping in, humidity levels should hover around 70%.
  • Darkness – Keep your cellar or storage area as dark as possible, as UV light can alter the flavors and aromas of wine. Ever notice that wine coolers have tinted doors? And if offered a wooden storage box, take it!
  • Stability – Avoid exposing your wine to vibrations, which can disturb sediment in the bottle, and store bottles horizontally to keep corks moist which will ensure a proper seal. 

Remember, not all wines are suitable for aging, so do your homework. Red wines with tannins and higher acidity are prime for aging. The only thing worse than not storing a wine correctly is storing a wine correctly for too long!